World Hepatitis Day 2020


“No infant should grow up only to die of hepatitis B because they weren’t vaccinated. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must ensure that mothers and newborns have access to life-saving services including hepatitis B vaccinations”- Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General

World Hepatitis Day is 28 July 2020

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  1. Please don’t make use scare with all viruses , please change the topic with the vaccines, with vaccine we will restart economic. We will come back to the normal again…. you are so handsome mr Tedros with a nice uniform and still have a salary. But if you can help the world,make the vaccine ready and share the hope of life

  2. Dr Tedros I am extremely worried about the USA, our leadership is failing us. Your briefings keep me in the correct perspective when making decisions in my daily life regarding the virus. I am truly grateful for the WHO!!

  3. People like tedros are pathological liars, it is abundant that wat they claim to be a “killer virus” never required any type of lockdown. Don’t buy into their mass media manipulation and propaganda. Tedros is a crook working for Bill Gates mafia, a complete puppet. As is the WHO


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