How to wear a fabric mask


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals are curious about the proper use of fabric masks. WHO released updated Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19 on 5 June 2020. It has new scientific results on fabrics that can be used for masks. Watch this video to learn more about which individuals should consider wearing a fabric mask, how to wear it and how to maintain it.

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  1. The video appears to contain a contradiction. It starts saying use a fabric mask in busy public areas where distancing is not possible – but then at the end says a fabric mask on its own is not effective without doing distancing.

  2. School/College are open on 8 jun2020 in NCR UP INDIA , without Guidelines with All Faculty & Staff. Who are responsible this ?

  3. There is some confused messaging here. The video starts off by saying (correctly) that one should wear a non-medical (cloth) mask to protect others. And then ends by saying “remember mask alone will not protect you…” which implies that such masks confer at least some protection to the wearers, which is incorrect. We advocate for these masks for the protection of others in vicinity of wearer and not for the wearers themselves. For the latter type of protection we need respirator type masks like N-95 which again needs to be kept for people working in health care settings.

  4. And ironically Taiwanese people can now live freely without facemasks. WHO is useless and causes millions of lives.

  5. WHO is too slow. I believe the expert panel of WHO are British who still not want their face to be covered.

  6. Very confusing WHO’s zigzagging policies! Wasn’t it enough with the public fiasco of hastening hydroxychoroquine trials withdrawal, for then suddenly restoring them? WHO, politicians, researchers and press are confusing the people in an irresponsible way. Now going backwards and forwards on masks uses. The recent literature (Nature Medicine) is not convincing and very weak. It sounds politically or economically motivated if not just fashionable… Shame on them! We are left alone to use our COMMON SENSE!

  7. Just say “NO” to WHO and all world leaders trying to change the quality of life for almost all for the worse based on a phony pandemic (drill gone live).

  8. Too Little…Too late. WHO is a failure if mega proportions. China is responsible and both CHINA and WHO need to be accountable. We all know the “World Health Organisation” failed the WORLD!!!

  9. Why should anyone listen to an organization that never did it’s job. With loyalty to the country that started all this, China, how are they ever to be trusted by anyone. Glad the U.S. stopped funding them. W.eH.aveO.mitted the truth about the Corona Virus to the entire world.

  10. Just remember one thing. It’s up to the individual to protect themselves, since health organizations around the world…just like governments…are only interested in interested in lining their pockets. Best do your research and get the safest and most permanent mask that you can buy, since this virus will be with us for years.

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