NEWS CONFERENCE: Polis gives Monday update on COVID-19


Colorado Gov. Jared Polis held a press conference on the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic on June 15, 2020.

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  1. He is copying every policy from California. So now we return 100% capacity is gonna come back july 2021. Goodbye restaurant and businesses of colorado, including your family buisness

  2. very convenient to make sure there is still distancing because the last 2 weeks were the protests and riots. Most everyone was in close proximity of each other. Isn’t this just hypocritical POLIS

  3. Thank you Polis for this thorough update and keeping our health your utmost concern. I fully believe you are doing the right thing.

  4. Hello Mr. Polis.. I am from Aurora CO… I wanted to know that what about The Malls area of Colorado reopen or yet??? let me know ok??? Thanks !!!

  5. We do not want a mandatory vaccine. Someone please start a petition! They will take our children if we don’t take damned vaccine

  6. the contract tracing….did you all hear that? Do some research:
    You can also google the actual study and read it–it’s about 25 pages long, but does state that this isn’t worse than the flu–the opposite of what the govt wants everyone to believe.
    You should be asking a LOT of questions regarding contact tracing–this is being gently imbedded into your consciousness under the guise of being protected–be wary.  

    Have you asked yourself why 6′ apart when so much research from reliable sources state that coughs and sneezes travel much farther than 6′?  Notice how many times these phrases are repeated “wear a mask.” “stay 6′ apart” “contact tracing is necessary” “until there’s a vaccine”–I’m not anti-vaccine, but why do they automatically turn to drugs and not searching for a natural virus/cure? ASK QUESTIONS! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH

  7. Safer at home is the best thing but our neighbors state is going back down and having to close again. If we see anything like this we me to go back toy stay at home

  8. What will you do to prevent lawlessness, destruction, and defacement of public and private property in the future? Approve of your Covid handling. Doing a good job there, but letting Denver be taken over by a mob was not your finest.

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