President Trump Meets with the Governor of Arizona


The White House


  1. Why are pharmacists stopping doctors from prescribing HCQ and Zinc? What’s the path forward? This will be with us forever just like Influenzas.

  2. Lame. We have examples of several nations who overcame this without gutting their economy and destroying personal liberties. Several cheap antivirals have demonstrated effectiveness against the disease (including HCQ). South Korea, Japan and other nations have barely any deaths.

    The whole thing is a steaming pile of BS.

  3. My question to governors is when are you going to start closing countries down to save lives do you two car wrecks, do you have an even abortions

  4. “Sleepy Slow Hiding.” I have my popcorn and sodas ready for the debates! It is going to be more entertaining than the Superbowl! President Trump is going to mow Joseph Biden down like lawn grass! I just hope Joe can find his way there! Folks! NOW is the time! WE have to stand with the President and contribute to the landslide avalanche in November! Let’s make the liberals REALLY FEEL IT! Spread the word to friends and family! Spread the word to neighbors! Let’s help the President! I am going to VOTE! I am going to vote IN PERSON! I WILL VOTE Republican for Dog Catcher, Mayor, Governor, Congressman, and Senator! I WILL VOTE AGAIN for President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. TRUMP/PENCE 2020

  5. We’re not voting by mail. We’re walking our patriotic butts into those voting polls and voting for POTUS. The best ever 🇺🇸🙏❤️🇺🇸

  6. Eye contact with a Liberal idiot virtue signaling is damaging to social skills and mannerisms, This is Evil cognitive warfare at the highest level and we have a great team and leader. WWG1WGA, or Www1gag otherwise …This crap aggravates me at a deep level and is damaging some good people against their will to choose and educate themselves and turn off the effn television. . Sad sad truths exposed and that box is a little demon cage. The negligent choices and ignorance MUST be Xposed from the hill up high, told by and to those assisting our neighbors and smoking at confused elders behind mask and they feel it, can see it in their eyes. I cant be scared for them anymore, I’ve been sabotaged by evil justice and political officials so long I become a Hermet as I’d be content getting online and inline with Truth and a perfect Storm of somehow nearly Biblical and prophetic situations. The scores of digital warriors and Truth seekers makes for some damn fine company, the ride will stall and come to an end eventually and I’m ready for what’s been built and restructured NOW. I can wait just as all of us and only bc this team has been constructed and strengthened adequately.

  7. DOUCHEY? The man who won’t release HCQ b/c he stands to make gazillions on a vaccine, drug through T-Gen. He SUCKS and lies. He’s a No Name/McStain corruption participant and AZ suffers -as a result. Putting folks out of business – no, he’s a bad actor – Douchey is a BAD ACTOR! Period

  8. Kayleigh McEnany The FAKE NEWS ASSASSIN
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    Kayleigh McEnany SENDS San Fran Gran Nan Pelosi Going Back To San Francisco
    Kayleigh McEnany Puts Presstitute CNN Kaitlan Collins In Her Place
    Kayleigh McEnany ENDS Mind Numb Idiot CNN Chris Cuomo LIES NOT Taking Quinine
    Kayleigh McEnany Hands Out CNN Jim Acosta His DAILY SPANKING
    Kayleigh REPO Quinine From CNN I Beat Virus With Chicken Soup Chris Cuomo
    Kayleigh MCenany ENDS Bottom Feeder CNN Don Lemon His Plantation Politics
    Kayleigh MADE CNN Brooke Baldwin Eat Humble Pie And Not Allow Her To Nibble On It
    Kayleigh McEnany BANS CNN Brianna Keilar And Her Turd Satchel From Press Room
    Kayleigh STOP LEAKY Faucet Fauci Leaks To CNN Spaghetti Bender Chris Cuomo
    Kayleigh MCenany Answers DUMMY Biden Question Whos On First, TUMP Is On First
    Kayleigh McEnany Put To End To CNN CONO Ana Navarro’s Asswholeisam
    Kayleigh McEnany SHUTS DOWN Looters, Lives Don’t Matter
    Kayleigh McEnany TINY SKINY BLONDE Takes NO SHIT From NO ONE
    Kayleigh McEnany GETS’EM, TAGS’EM, BAGS’EM, Than Down The Tubes They Go
    Kayleigh MCenany Now THAT’S a Press Secretary, Eh
    Kayleigh McEnany Gives News Trashster CNN Jake Tapper A Ticket To Realville
    Kayleigh MADE Cry CNN Jeff Zucker And His League Of Morons The Day Collusion Died
    Kayleigh McEnany Rides TRUMP TRAIN Right Over CNN My Sources Say Gloria Borger
    Kayleigh MAKES CNN Brianna Keeler Eat Truth Sandwiches And Makes Her Swallow
    Kayleigh McEnany She FIX CNN Brian Stelter’s Buffoonery But Good
    Kayleigh GAVE CLOSE Shave To Basement Biden No More Bragging “I Got Hairy Legs”
    Kayleigh McEnany Folds ABC Jonathan Karl Like a Bridge Table
    Kayleigh McEnany Makes CNN Jeff Zucker And His Ilk Move To Collusionville
    Kayleigh BAN ROIDS From CNN Dork Just Worked Out You Know How It Is Chris Cuomo
    Kayleigh MCenany Sends Petulant Child CNN Brian Stelter Back To Romper Room
    Kayleigh McEnany FINED CNN Ana Navarro For Warring Her Drool Bucket
    Kayleigh McEnany Hit ILHAN OMAR With An Ugly Stck Than Gave Her Walking Papers
    Kayleigh HEARS OUT Douchebag CNN Jim Acosta No One’s Bying My Wittle Book
    Kayleigh FEEDS Sources Say CNN Gloria Borger Shit On a Stick And Makes Her Like It
    Kayleigh McEnany Shut Down White House Leakers To CNN Sources Say Dana Bash
    Kayleigh BAN Bambino Dictatorino CNN Chris Cuomo Imbecillo No Press Room, Ciao !
    Kayleigh THROWS OUT Presstitute CNN Kaitlan Collins For Asking Stupid Questions 
    Kayleigh SHOCKED Wolf Blitzer His Presstitute Thrown Out Hasn’t Been Same Since
    Kayleigh McEnany Chews Up, Spits Out NBC Kristen Welker DAILY
    Kayleigh McEnany Beats NBC Peter Alexander Like a Drum
    Kayleigh McEnany Handles CNN Anderson Cooper By The Ears
    Kayleigh McEnany’s TRUMP TRAIN Flattens CNN Dumbelina Erin Burnett Again
    Kayleigh McEnany Force Feed Russia Collusion Empty Burger To CNN Van Jones
    Kayleigh McEnany Pulls Joseppi Strings On Marionette PBS Yamiche Alcindor
    Kayleigh McEnany Makes DIET I’m Smart Too, Fat Fuck CNN Christine Quinn
    Kayleigh McEnany FEED CNN April Ryan Shit Sandwich Makes Her Smile As She Chews
    Kayleigh MADE CNN No More White People Symone Sanders Go Down The Tubes
    Kayleigh SEEN Missing Midget CNN Fareed Zacharia a Hobbit Taken To Isenguard
    Kayleigh McEnany McEnany Ends CNN Lackie Jake Tapper Parroting Sin Spin
    Kayleigh McEnany Disarm Budala Biden From Rusty Razors From Rain Barell And Chain
    Kayleigh McEnany Makes Empty Suit CNN Don Lemon Go On a Date With Another Man
    Kayleigh So NICE Goes To CNN And Waters Jeff Zucker’s Presstitutes Twice a Week
    Kay MAKES CNN Wife Dumped John King Date Getaround CNN Dana Bash His XWife
    Kayleigh ENDS CNN No More White Men Angela Rye Spreading Black Lives Only
    Kayleigh Stops CNN Douchebag Jim Acosta Bulldozing Her Gives Him a Beat Down
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    Kayleigh’s FAKE NEWS Contest CNN Abby Philips Won, Prize: Turd Log No Condiments 
    Kayleigh SENT Basketcase Biden To Hardware Store Get Her 20 Feet Of Shoreline
    Kayleigh McEnany Sent Out CNN Smelly Soy Boy Brian Stetler For a Diaper Change
    Kayleigh McEnany She’s The BEST, No She Is The BESTUSS Ever
    Kayleigh McEnany She’s a LION TAMER, No She’s a LION SLAYER
    Kayleigh McEnany White House Press Core Like Herding Cats, She DOES IT
    Kayleigh McEnany Handles White House Press, Does It NO PROBLEM
    Kayleigh McEnany She KEEPS ON TRUMP’N
    Kayleigh McEnany And She Loves DOMINO’S PIZZA Too, Eh.
    Kayleigh McEnany Is One Special Lady, Thanks For Being There For The President
    Donald J. Trump  No Weapon Formed Against Him Shall Prosper (Isaiah 54:17)
    Donald J. Trump  You Will Refute Every Tongue That Accuses You (Isaiah 54:17)  
    Foghorn Leghorn: Don, Kayleigh, KEEP ON TRUMP’N 2016 Through 2020 To 2024, Eh.

  9. Joe Biden says ” I will double your taxes and eliminate all the business tax breaks. Most of you will be unhappy “


  11. Open AZ schools. This is very difficult for a mom of three and I can’t be three places at once. Also my one child needs extra attention because he is sensory and doesn’t like the computer. 😕

  12. As an Arizonan, I’m extremely disappointed in Governor Ducey. He’s become quite a tyrant. The verified, random controlled studies on the efficacy of masks for viral infections has shown, through meta analyses of the various studies completed, that they are not only ineffective but pose serious harm to the wearer, especially if worn for hours, as is the case with so many who are now forced to wear them. And it so disturbs me to think of children forced to wear a mask throughout the school day. To me, that’s criminal. A restriction of air flow, resulting in a lowering of oxygen levels in the blood to critical areas, especially the brain, is devastating to the learning capacity of a child. In addition, the oxygen restriction leads the body to go into the sympathetic mode, the fight or flight mode, which increases the cortisol levels in the blood, which then automatically decreases the body’s immune responses. So a child or adult wearing a mask becomes more susceptible to any disease process. In addition, the moisture that accumulates on the mask is an open invitation for bacterial growth, which so easily is transmitted into the body through the nasal and mouth openings. These are just some of the problems mask wearing imposes on the wearer. If the governor is aware of the overwhelming negative results from all the scientific studies regarding this matter, then he is either a coward and hasn’t the courage to disregard the lies from the “establishment experts” and declare the truth to the citizens, allowing each to choose whether they want to wear a mask or not, or he is ignorant of the scientific studies, exposing blatant incompetency. A scientific study completed several years ago found that these types of viruses are more prevalent when in a low humidity environment. So this is a probable reason cases increased as the arid summer air began to manifest in late Spring. It sure wasn’t because masks weren’t being forced upon the people. The governor needs to end the mask mandate, allowing healthy, asymptomatic people to go about their daily lives unfettered by the government forcing them to do things to their bodies that are not only against their will, but also harm them. He seems to have a strong affinity to seek the praise of the President’s “team of experts”, (the people who have a very fascistic agenda for America), while the people of Arizona are suffering under a mandate that results in people not able to communicate effectively one with another, unable to read one’s facial expressions, a smile or a soft hello. Each individual becomes in a sense one’s possible enemy, someone who looks menacing with a mask over their face, and who could potentially infect them with some terrible disease. Our society is breaking down. We are breaking down. I fear that Governor Ducey either doesn’t care because he’s more interested in some number based on a test that, per the designer, was not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool for viral infections, producing many false positives, or, he has decided to join the “elite” who have an agenda for this country that seeks a transfer of power from the people to them. I, for one, do not cede to him my God given rights and powers. If he ever again runs for any government position, he will not receive my vote.

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