Reopening America with Colorado Governor Jared Polis


Walker & Dunlop’s Chairman & CEO, Willy Walker, hosted our Walker Webcast with Jared Polis, the Governor of Colorado. Willy and Governor Polis discussed the economic impact of the Stay at Home order, how the economy will re-open and rebound, health and safety considerations being taken by the Colorado government, contingency plans in place in the event of another wave of illness, and more. #WalkerWebcast #CREFinance #CRE #COVID19 #CommercialRealEstate #ReopeningAmerica


  1. Lies lies women are doing a terrible job trying to run things sanctuary citys abortion floride water lies lies vote out all Democrats

  2. Vote all the Democrats out of Office President Trump will win by a landslide no matter how much you Democrats cheat on elections

  3. We are “All in this together” because we all wear a mask. Those who do not wear a mask are not in this together

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