Secretary Perdue: DPA and the supply chain




  2. FRIENDLY REMINDER 🗣️ those people USED ME 🗣️🗣️💯❣️💡💡🗣️🗣️💯😂💡💯🌍🗣️💯😂💡💯🤷🏿‍♀️🗣️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ COULD YALL PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE WHO ARE SPENDING MY MONEY AND USING ME FOR FAME👸🏼👑💯💡🗣️

  3. Well, then WHY is there no WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR?? I have not heard one truly definitive or verifiable answer to this question. We in Northern California are unable to purchase whole wheat flour because our grocers don’t have any…and no one can explain as to exactly why. Mr. Perdue, please enlighten us.

  4. The millions of deaths the Dems predicyed, thwarted by our President and his actions. Now that’s really pissed them off. It doesn’t matter what he says, what he does, they put their spin and BS on it. Our media and their owners are the enemy of the people. Thank you Truckers, Secretary Perdue. Trump 2020

  5. Oh Ya? So why are farmers throwing away Milk and why are these farmers Euthanizing Cows, Bigs, and most of their livestock? I just saw a farmer talking on “Lisa Haven’s” on her youtube channel today.

  6. Someone might want to address a video on Youtube that’s going around about farmers being forced to destroy their crops and slaughter their cattle. This is the title of it; ‘Shad Sullivan – We Are Being Forced To Dump Your Food Supply’ It is’t really happening, the the China and their ‘Friends’ are in a Lot more trouble than they think. It’s also being shown by the media channels on Youtube, and if it’s put in the google search engine, that’s all I see; when google pushes something I tend to think it’s a lie. Most likely to scare the heck out of everyone. Well, it appears to be working.

  7. It is my understanding that an enormous number of meat packing employees are foreigners and illegals with little education. I don’t know that they are getting sick as a result of working in the plants or simply because they have never been trained in sanitary living to begin with. I am sure that many are NOT following “safe distancing” nor wearing masks outside of work.

  8. Im Kandy Sloan Mr Perdido Walmart orders for me Kandy Sloan cookies yesterday May 1 2020 Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers work for Walmart put gum in my roll bread recipe Kathy and Rand paul Anderson’s Russell Mayers poisoning me Kandy Sloan caused Kandy Sloan stroke Pearson’s family Sloan mom also tried to murder me Kandy Sloan poisoning my Kandy Sloan’s life stolen my eggs from my body Kandy Sloan when I was 25 years old again when I was 43 years old May 21 2020 I feel plotted to try to get me to steal my eggs again no because made alot of money for sold my eggs they had business sold my eggs from my body Kandy Sloan they watched me Kandy Sloan get raped by Russell Mayers Rand paul Anderson’s Dave Sanchez Frank Jones Richard McDonnell Kathy Griffin and Michael Pearson] it took too long for to watch gang members raped me Kandy Sloan so Elinor Sloan Kathie Pearson Keylee Pearson Kory Pearson Michael Pearson got hungry went to cafeteria in St Joseph hospital Tucson while Kathy Anderson filmed major brain surgery dec 20 2013 st Joseph hospital Tucson dr Abdu two names Omar Mateen guilty of attempted murder me Kandy Sloan dr Abdu has medical background criminal history Dems spied on me Kandy Sloan including Kathy Anderson work for Walmart work for white house Obama administration fake Rep spying perverts Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers is Misfit work for Walmart put gum in my roll bread recipe Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers Pearson’s family Sloan mom caused Kandy Sloan stroke I was molested Like boy when I was 5 years old stocking me Kandy Sloan since poisoning me Kandy Sloan since] mr Nunes mr Wolf mr Barr said Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers Pearson’s family Sloan mom Abusive control ing dangerous mentally unstable criminals gangs members stocking me since Kandy Sloan] 20 years prison sentence for Attempting to murder me Kandy Sloan 44 years ago Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson work here Eastpoint @TomFitton dr Carlton dr Carp @TomFitton Oprah dr Gorda said Kandy Sloan doesn’t have to go to hospital May 21 2020] @Theresacaputo Theresa Capito Kim Kardashian Theresa could talking about the people who have been arrested for their crimes behind my back Kandy Sloan]@tomfitton no spying perverts nosy mother dangerous criminals gang members Attacked me Kandy Sloan so many times I lost count Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not responsible for their crimes behind her back Kandy Sloan]@tomfitton hospital forever for gang members Attacked me Kandy Sloan so many times I lost count Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not going anywhere until she gets help moving out justice for me Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised Melania Ivanka Donald Trump]clearly no hospitalization for Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised I deserve to live long happy healthy safe life for me Kandy Sloan Im human being that deserves her privacy house s private @Oprah Theresa long island medium sister Paris Hilton’s family property protection from dangerous gangs members] mr Nunes mr Wolf mr Barr mr Perdido Walmart orders protection from dangerous goods help us protect clean water] Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers poisoning me Kandy Sloan Oct 2019 put poison in bathroom fixture problem] zero tolerance for dangerous mentally unstable gang members] @TomFitton protection Theresa long island medium sister Paris Hilton’s Oprah Winfrey Theresa Capito knows people don’t disappoint me Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised filtering people for me Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised Melania Ivanka Donald Trump]clearly no hospitalization for Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised I deserve protection I’m American human being I voted for president Trump promised no MARRIAGE Im not ready to get married] @TomFitton Theresa Hat toys privacy protection yes normal life for me Kandy Sloan not normal life 44years ago Attempting to murder me Kandy Sloan so many times I lost count Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not responsible for their crimes behind her back Kandy Sloan Theresa Capito Kim Kardashian Oprah Leonardo friends safety Paris Hilton protection for me Kandy Sloan Walmart orders for me Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised help expanding his family friends 100% privacy protection house s private @Oprah Theresa Johnson mr Barr said Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson’s Russell Mayers Elinor Sloan Kathie Pearson Michael Pearson 20 years prison sentence for Attempting to murder me Kandy Sloan so many times I lost count Judge Jeanine help justice for me Kandy Sloan @TomFitton president Trump promised Melania Ivanka Donald Trump]clearly

  9. Theresa Capito knows people who have been arrested for their crimes behind my back Kandy Sloan cool here helping everyone out moving justice for me Kandy Sloan Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not responsible for their crimes behind her back Kandy Sloan]@tomfitton

  10. Im Kandy Sloan did you listen hear Kandy Sloan] help moving out justice Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not going anywhere until she has help moving out Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not responsible for their crimes behind her back Kandy Sloan Theresa Capito knows it’s May 2 2020 when am I going have fun privacy help moving out justice for me Kandy Sloan @TomFitton listen hear Kandy Sloan 100% justice for me Kandy Sloan privacy for me Kandy Sloan house private for me Kandy Sloan] no ph Abusive dog bigot s Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson’s Russell Mayers Elinor Sloan Kathie Pearson Michael Pearson Dave Sanchez Frank Jones Richard McDonnell Kathy Griffin] no gang members] mr Nunes mr Wolf mr Barr said 20 years prison sentence for Attempting to murder me Kandy Sloan 44 years ago] Judge Jeanine said Kandy Sloan is not responsible for their crimes behind her back Kandy Sloan]@tomfitton

  11. Im Kandy Sloan I deserve house help moving out] Theresa Capito knows when I can get the information no poison nothing no hospitalization for Kandy Sloan no Anderson s held me captive Kandy Sloan 44 years ago Attempting to murder me Kandy Sloan Russell Mayers Elinor Sloan Kathie Pearson Michael Pearson also are guilty of attempted murder me Kandy Sloan rapes molested by Russell Mayers Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Like boy when I was 5 years old stocking me since white house spying perverts human trafficking me Kandy Sloan behind my back Kandy Sloan] drained Swamp Problems president Trump promised no democratic spies pervert s Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers work Walmart put gum in my roll bread recipe Kathy Anderson Rand paul Anderson Russell Mayers]no gang members]

  12. Thtas why so many are on welfare and snap instead of being in college, and these same people want want want with out getting a job, I don think playing Pokemon go is considered a job or looking for work I think he government needs to change that’s why they say 2020 is going n to be big!

  13. I’m gonna guess here. Must of been a problem with our old friends the unions…defense authorization act…BAM!! Cut out the unions and all their usual nonsense.

  14. It’s time for all true hearted patriots stand up and support this President to bring back this country. From he won the election it is a straight fight without time to settle down and govern.Even past presidents are fighting him. I never seen all this in the history of this country.


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