WHO Principal Legal Officer Steven Solomon – UN Geneva Press Briefing 08 May 2020


WHO Principal Legal Officer Steven Solomon replying to questions from journalists at the UN Geneva virtual press briefing from the 8th of May 2020.


  1. WHO shall have a general director comes from Taiwan. That will really helpful to the whole world regarding all health issues. If not, I strongly suggest sending your medical student to Taiwan for a better sense of health care to your people and to the world. Very important.

  2. Add alcohol along the rim of the helmet can help sterilization to the harmed brain which is bitten by Wuhan virous. Everyone must go out shopping with mask even that area didn’t do any sterilization.

  3. Wuhan virous can transfer into several types of insects by lunching electricity by itself. When you clean up the environment, Wuhan virous will come out in several insect forms. Those mosquitos or flies or moths can disappear suddenly when they close to your body or come out from your body or left brain. Taiwan can help!

  4. This is such a scam organization and should be dismantled anyway! Hang in there Taiwan the CCP regime is buckling as we speak. Tawain is going to take back China soon.

  5. Taiwan maintains membership in several important international organizations, including the International Olympic Committee, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Asian Development Bank, Governmental Advisory Committee of the Internet Cooperation for Assigned Names and Numbers, and, most recently, World Trade Organization …but hey not this currupt organization?

  6. You’re guilty of corruption and murder through gross incompetence. Get rid of Tedros and other head officials of W. H. O.!!

  7. In mid-April the WHO said Taiwan’s warning notice of ‘isolated for treatment’ sent on December 31 DOES NOT mean ‘human to human transmission.’ If that was true, why isolated? And it was the WHO that needed to proactively investigate whether it’s human to human transmission. It was not Taiwan’s job to confirm it. (Taiwan was not even a member of the WHO.)

    Before the transmission route could be clarified, the WHO needed to treat it as human to human transmission for safety and should have warned the world in December by directing other countries to do what Taiwan did — screening passengers from Wuhan AS EARLY AS December 31.

    If the rest of the world had paid more attention to Taiwan, a small island that is officially recognized as a country by less than 20 nations, we would not be facing a viral massacre.


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