The Health for All Film Festival of the World Health Organization is a tribute to all champions of health!
Launched in October 2019, this inaugural festival received nearly 1300 short films from more than 110 countries. Submissions focused on a wide range of health topics showcased by or about champions of health in communities, health centers, hospitals or at the scientific level. The WHO Director-General announced LIVE on 12 May 2020 five winners out of this diversity of strong stories from the field. Watch this live:
GRAND PRIX / Category of films about Nurses or Midwives
‘War and Grace’ by Sonia Lowman from International Medical Corps, an NGO based in USA and UK.
GRAND PRIX / Video reports category
‘A Doctor’s Dream – A pill for sleeping sickness’ by the Drugs for the Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) and Scholars & Gentlemen
GRAND PRIX / Category of animation films
‘Limbo – Stand up for Women! Stand up for Peace!’ by Nwayr Zar Che Soe, Saw Eh Doh Poe, Nann Win May Aye with Yangon Film School
STUDENT PRIZE / From the three categories of the official selection
‘Antibiotic resistance’ by Nitai Steinberg
NCDs FILM PRIZE / Special selection about noncommunicable diseases
“Living without limits (Mexico)” by BBC StoryWorks for Helmsley Charitable Trust
More info about jury, official selection and winners:
awesome content keep it up bro, let’s be yt buddies :DD
awesome content it was really entertaining, here to stay :p
Tedros must resign, so many CCP Wumaos here what a Joke! Fooling no one
Wanted to send an entry for re-emergence of Polio in the Philippines but *sigh*, wasn’t able to make it happen.
Why the HELL is youtube recommendating this complete crap to me every single day?? No one trusts the WHO unless you’re from china or have absolutely no idea about what is happening in the world,i hope the US cutting your funding hurts you guys deep.. is it health for all besides taiwan? Im personally glad taiwon arnt apart of the WHO it seems to have worked out better for them because of it and we should all follow suit.